What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an effective and safe exfoliation procedure. It is extremely relaxing, pain free and with instant results. Dermaplaning is now becoming one of the most popular facials on offer. It uses a sterile surgical scalpel to remove excess dead skin and peach fuzz hairs. The tool is held at a 45 degree angle and is brushed along the skin to remove the hair and skin cells. The procedure is only performed on the face and neck is optional and is not used for shaping the eyebrows, which the hair is much thicker. It is generally a stand alone procedure, but it does create deeper product penetration boosting the products effects. The procedure makes skin look and feel smoother and will reduces the appearance of acne scars.



1 Session 60 minute facial including Dermaplaning


Luxury collagen dermaplaning – 60 minutes for                                                     £50

What are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

• Provides deeper product penetration
• Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils.
• Promotes smoother more radiant skin
• Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”
• Reduces the appearance of acne scars
• Diminishes the look of fine lines and wrinkles
• Works on all skin types
• Fantastic base for makeup application
• Instant results and no downtime



How Often is Dermaplaning Performed?

Dermaplaning is usually performed every three to four weeks. It is good to have the skin complete its normal rejuvenation cycle, which is thirty days, before going back and having the treatment done. The procedure generally will remove up to three weeks of dead skin from the facial area, leaving your silky smooth and radiant.
What to Expect After the Procedure:

There is no need to worry about the hair on your face getting any darker. Since dermaplaning only targets the vellus hair (peachfuzz) the hair will grow back the same size and colour. It is physiologically impossible for the hair to grow back thicker and dark, so no need to panic and worry.
Never do this procedure at home. Leave it to the professional at Beauty Scene to ensure a safe and effective treatment.